The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is dedicated to investigating serious crimes within our jurisdiction. This division handles complex cases that require thorough analysis and collaboration with various agencies to ensure justice is served.
Leadership and Personnel
The Criminal Investigations Division is under the leadership of Captain Edwin Killette, the Investigations Commander, who manages all aspects of the division’s operations. The team includes a Sergeant and two Detectives who focus on investigating serious crimes such as felonies and specific misdemeanors. CID is further supported by a Police Planner who is responsible for maintaining evidence and accreditation, as well as two Social Workers who provide crucial support in victim assistance and community outreach.
- Captain: F. Edwin Killette ekillette@townofzebulon.org
- Sergeant: Jason Bridges Jbridges@townofzebulon.org
- Detective: Chris Hamm chamm@townofzebulon.org
- Detective: Kerry Burke kburke@townofzebulon.org
- Police Planner: David Gregory dgregory@townofzebulon.org
- Social Worker: Kayla Hawkins khawkins@townofzebulon.org
- Social Worker: Sarah Jump sjump@townofzebulon.org
Additional Programs and Teams
- CARE Unit
- The CARE (Community Action & Resource Engagement) Unit focuses on building strong community relationships and providing resources to prevent crime. This unit plays a vital role in fostering trust between the police department and the community. Learn more about the CARE Unit here.
- Accreditation
- The Police Planner is responsible for maintaining the department's accreditation, ensuring that all procedures and practices meet the highest standards of law enforcement.
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- CID manages the department's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), utilizing drones for various investigative and operational purposes. This program enhances our ability to gather critical information in a timely manner.
- Evidence Management
- The Police Planner ensures that all evidence related to investigations is securely stored, cataloged, and maintained according to strict legal standards. Proper evidence management is crucial for the integrity of our investigations and the successful prosecution of cases.
- Find out how to retrieve property here Evidence Management.
Collaboration and Partnerships
The Criminal Investigations Division works in close collaboration with other local, state, and federal agencies to address crime effectively. This teamwork is essential in bringing criminals to justice and ensuring the safety of our community. They also participate in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Taskforce, to respond to technology-facilitated child exploitation and internet crimes against children. Through collaboration with the State Bureau of Investigation, we work diligently to protect vulnerable children and bring offenders to justice.